NATURA 2000 proposal

The State Institute for Nature Protection (SINP) has drafted the proposal for Natura 2000 network in Croatia based on analysis of collected data on distribution of Natura 2000 species and habitat types. All available data (literature, museum collections, unpublished data) and data from recent research were analysed. Since our biodiversity is still not completely explored, data used is not complete and new research is now financed that will continue in following years. It will than gradually shift to monitoring which has to be carried out according to EU Directives.

From above-mentioned, it is certain that present proposal of Natura 2000 sites will slightly change as PHARE project finishes and new data become available. These changes will mainly consist of: updating target features and borders of proposed sites depending on new data received; possible adding of new smaller sites; outlining borders of ecological network sites on Croatian Basic Map in scale 1:5000.

It is important to mention that the Republic of Croatia has requested for amendments of Annexes I and II of the Habitats Directive for certain species and habitat types which are specific for Croatia and neighbouring countries that are not yet members of the EU. Sites selected for these species and habitat types are also included in the proposal of Natura 2000 in Croatia although request for amendments is not yet accepted by the European Commision (EC).

After the consultation process within this project has finished, and taking into account all comments, suggestions and results of new research, Natura 2000 proposal will be revised and new and updated interactive map will be available on this website. Comments and suggestions will be received and answered continuously and this process will go on until the Decree on internationally important ecological network sites is adopted which has to be done until the day of accession.