Overview of EU Post-Accession Funds

1.    Financing Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

•    site and species management and site planning, including the improvement of the ecological coherence of NATURA 2000 network;
•    monitoring of conservation status, including setting up procedures and structures for such monitoring;
•    development and implementation of species and habitat conservation action plans;
•    the extension of the
NATURA 2000 network in marine areas;
•    the purchase of land (with a number of restricting principles).

More information on: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/index.htm
Financing IT tool (samo na engleskom)

2.    European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

•    vocational training and information actions;
•    LFA payments to farmers;
•    agri-environment payments;
NATURA 2000 payments;
•    forest-environment payments;
•    encouragement of tourism activities;
•    skills-acquisition and animation:
•    LEADER;
•    diversification into non-agricultural activities

More information on: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rurdev/index_en.htm

3.    European Fisheries Fund (EFF)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

•    sustainable aquaculture compatible with specific environmental constraints resulting from the designation of
NATURA 2000 areas;
•    implementation of aquaculture methods  reducing negative or enhancing positive impact on the environment;
•    forms of aquaculture comprising protection and enhancement of the environment, natural resources, genetic diversity, and management of the landscape and traditional features of aquaculture zones

More information on: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp_en.htm

4.    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

•    development of infrastructure linked to biodiversity and investments in
NATURA 2000 sites, where this contributes to sustainable economic development and/or diversification of rural areas;
•    investments improving economic activities related to the cultural and natural heritage, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, and sustainable tourism in areas with geographical and natural handicaps.

5.    European Social Fund (ESF)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

Strengthening institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services at national,regional and local level and, where relevant, of the social partners and NGOs, by promoting:
•    good policy and programme design, monitoring and evaluation, including through studies, statistics and expert advice,
•    support for interdepartmental coordination, dialogue between relevant public and private bodies

6.    Cohesion Fund (CF)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

Although it is not very likely that the Cohesion Fund will be used for direct funding of
NATURA 2000, there could be situations where NATURA 2000 sites will profit indirectly through projects funded by the Cohesion Fund.

More information on ERDF, ESF and CF: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/funds/cf/index_en.htm

7.    7th Research Framework Programme (FP7)

Possibilities for NATURA 2000 funding:

Research actions carried out in transnational cooperation in the thematic areas: Environment (including Climate Change), Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

More information on: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/