Overview of EU Pre-Accession Funds

The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is the Community's financial instrument for the pre-accession process for the period 2007-2013. Pre-accession assistance for Croatia under will be implemented according to the following five IPA components:

I – Transition Assistance and Institution Building
II – Cross-border cooperation
III – Regional Development
IV– Human Resources Development
V – Rural Development

In a view of possible funding of the Natura 2000 network, the most important are the Components II and V of the programme.

More information on: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/funds/ipa/index_en.htm

Component II– Cross-border cooperation

The Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management is the Managing Authority for the Component II of the IPA pre-accession instrument. Within this component, Croatia will be involved in cross-border programmes with all neighbouring countries. One of the priority areas for these programmes is sustainable management of natural resources including establishment of protected areas and their cross-border networks; fostering the co-operation between existing and new national parks, nature parks and NATURA 2000 areas; joint feasibility studies on issues related to nature protection; awareness raising on protection of natural resources, etc.

More information on:

Component V- Rural Development

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development is the Managing Authority for the Component V of the IPA pre-accession instrument, so-called IPA-RD. Of particular importance for NATURA 2000 are pilot agri-environment measures in three pilot areas:

1.    Grassland pilot measure in Velebit Nature Park
2.    Grassland pilot measure in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park and
3.    Arable farming pilot measure in Zagrebacka County

More information on: http://www.mps.hr/projekti/projekt.asp?PID=74 and http://www.ecologica.hr/media/1717/casopis%20ecologica%20br.15.pdf